Friday, December 16, 2011


If this is your first time visiting with us, we'd like to issue a hearty helping of HELLO THERE!

I will be your new MOI [Minister of Information]. Our Interim MOI has been relieved of his position and may now be on permanent vacation in a remote cell in the Caribbean! I'd LOVE to go to the Caribbean, wouldn't you?!

My new duties include hawking our wares, so I'd like, if I may, to suggest to you the Value™ and Durability™ of the GhostDogPlanet audioProduct


Our new SonicSinglets are available now for free download HERE.

hostDogPlanet's mission is to create FreeMusicForTheMasses. Always exercise caution in volume adjustment.

Whether you're searching for 
great audioEntertainment or a SonicExerciseEnhancer, the GhostDogPlanet TOME [Team of Management Engineers] has created for you the masses a singularly stereophonic masterpiece called METROPOLIS, due to be released on 01.01.2012. (For you Europeans, that's 01.01.2012). 

Engineered by the world's leading experts for Maximum Kickassibility™, utilizing our secretive patent-pending process codenamed audioBliss™, METROPOLIS will be just what you need to bring on a new wave of post-holiday funk. 

I know you're just itching to hear something from our burgeoning catalog, so the good overlords upstairs have granted you permission to keep for your very own, our first two SonicSinglets, but only if you don't tell ANY of your friends!

Download them for free HERE, or just watch them below and let their soothing strains lull you into a false sense of complacency.

Hope you're having a Fabulous Gift-Buying Season filled with lots of Traditional Virtues, and if you're not, you'll be reported.

Thanks all. See ya soon!

Minister of Information, GhostDogPlanet

P.S. I'd like to add that we're still in love with you Sandra, and we have feelings too. Call us.


I just got a memo from up the food chain which says I've been "instructed" to stress the following about the new rules around here:

Corporations are people too.

We have feelings you know. We hurt when you hurt. When cry when you cry and we laugh when you cry. I mean cry when you... damn, I mean LAUGH when you LAUGH. Just don't laugh AT us... unless you're fond of rabid rats in a face cage. (I tried it once. It wasn't so bad...)

And we'd like to express our LOVE for you, Sandra Bullock, who NEVER returns our MESSAGES!

Minister Of Information, GhostDogPlanet


I forgot to say:


It's in the style sheet...

  GhostDogPlanet's mission is to create FreeMusicForTheMasses. Always exercise caution in volume adjustment.


WHEW! Sorry I haven't been in touch for like forever, but there was an interoffice coup and I couldn't get to my computer. Sherry in Global Disinformation got into it with a DOT [Domestic Obedience Trainer aka SECURITY], and the shit just went down from there. 

Fortunately the dedicated barrage of rocket grenade attacks didn't hit the office computer, so all the bookmarks were saved and I was ready to jump right into my new job.

Oh, I should say that I'll be replacing our previous MOI because he--whose demise, ouster and shunning was an UGLY UGLY sight--has resigned. That's a word they use for "disappeared" around here.

I haven't yet figured out this whole new system yet because previously I was the paper clip boy. That's an actual job. I just refilled paper clip dispensers. It left me a lot of time to play Angry Birds.

Wait, gotta go now. Sherry's back...

Minister of Information, GhostDogPlanet

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Welcome to GhostDogPlanetBlog, the official Online Propaganda Liaison for GhostDogPlanet Industrial Development, US and ABROAD. This is our first Communique to the World Community, and if you've made it past all the security measures we implement to keep out the riffraff and guarantee only the most patriotic patronage, thanks for visiting.


In anticipation of our forthcoming audioAlbum METROPOLIS, I've posted the SonicSinglets, GoodbyeMaryLou and WAROFTHEWORLDS. You may download both of these mp3 audioFiles free of charge HERE. 

mission is to create FreeMusicForTheMasses. The GhostDogPlanet Board Of Distinguished Fellows [BODF] has approved METROPOLIS for mass consumption, so you can be assured of its Patriotism, Potency, Freshness, and Long, Long-Lasting appeal. 

If you enjoy the GhostDogPlanet audioScope experience and wish to alert your Inner Circle to our pleasing audioProduct, I encourage you to share this music among your Social Elite. 

Imagine the joy and reverie when you pass this LINK on to your friends, family, classmates, coworkers, spiritual advisors, Team Leaders, Walmart Associates, workout partners, Facebook fanatics and everyone in your protest circle, so that they too may know the source of your joy, straight from the tap. 

It's okay if you surreptitiously insert the link into an email chain with adorable pictures of the cutest kittens doing the funniest things, or, if you prefer, in some inconsolable e-rants culled from the daily dose of outrage in your blogroll. Just pass this link on and make someone's day that much more complicated. 

Rigorously tested for Maximum Kickassibility™, we believe this is an excellent audioProduct and we urge everyone to experience it.

The complete GhostDogPlanet METROPOLIS audioAlbum, which includes GoodbyeMaryLou and WAROFTHEWORLDS, will be released on January 1, 2012.


Minister of Information, GhostDogPlanet



We are a shadow superhero corporation and to maintain anonymity, we choose not to reveal our true identity. However, our one and only purpose is to create FreeMusicForTheMasses. While our selection of accomplished audioProducts is sometimes filled with political allegory, we espouse no political ideologies. 

I swear that this statement was not made under duress.

I am obligated to add:
Corporations are people too. Sandra, call us. We've left a LOT of messages. :)

Minister of Information, GhostDogPlanet

TheFutureIsNow  GhostDogPlanet's mission is to create FreeMusicForTheMasses. Always exercise caution in volume adjustment.

Friday, November 25, 2011


GhostDogPlanet is making music that's all mixed up. Composed and mixed entirely in GarageBand, Apple's desktop sound studio, the music of GhostDogPlanet is created by combining and reworking existing audio loops. 

Because this music is composed like a collage (our TOD [Team of Developers] prefers the term audioSalad), one might consider this to be "illegitimate" music. But our TOD has composed this audioProduct using our most exclusive in-house patent-pending process codenamed audioBliss™, the most luxurious form of audioEngineering ever, finely tuned for Maximum Kickassibility™ by the world's leading experts and computerized assistants.* 

*The achievement of audioBliss™ and/or Maximum Kickassibility™ by consumers is neither guaranteed nor implied as a result of listening to the GhostDogPlanet audioProduct. 

Our Resident MusiCritic Emeritus [RMCE] has informed our stakeholders that he would be raving about this album "all over the ****ing web", were it not for an appearance of bias in his journalistic ethos. But he wants everyone to know that METROPOLIS ROCKS

Minister of Information, GhostDogPlanet


  GhostDogPlanet's mission is to create FreeMusicForTheMasses. Always exercise caution in volume adjustment.