If this is your first time visiting with us, we'd like to issue a hearty helping of HELLO THERE!
My new duties include hawking our wares, so I'd like, if I may, to suggest to you the Value™ and Durability™ of the GhostDogPlanet audioProduct.
Our new SonicSinglets are available now for free download HERE.
GhostDogPlanet's mission is to create FreeMusicForTheMasses. Always exercise caution in volume adjustment.
Whether you're searching for
great audioEntertainment or a SonicExerciseEnhancer, the GhostDogPlanet TOME [Team of Management Engineers] has created for you the masses a singularly stereophonic masterpiece called METROPOLIS, due to be released on 01.01.2012. (For you Europeans, that's 01.01.2012).
Engineered by the world's leading experts for Maximum Kickassibility™, utilizing our secretive patent-pending process codenamed audioBliss™, METROPOLIS will be just what you need to bring on a new wave of post-holiday funk.
I know you're just itching to hear something from our burgeoning catalog, so the good overlords upstairs have granted you permission to keep for your very own, our first two SonicSinglets, but only if you don't tell ANY of your friends!
Download them for free HERE, or just watch them below and let their soothing strains lull you into a false sense of complacency.
Hope you're having a Fabulous Gift-Buying Season filled with lots of Traditional Virtues, and if you're not, you'll be reported.
Thanks all. See ya soon!
Minister of Information, GhostDogPlanet
P.S. I'd like to add that we're still in love with you Sandra, and we have feelings too. Call us.